You’re Invited! Federal All Candidates Meeting for new King-Vaughan riding

Sep 17, 2015

CCKT Sept.24-15 800

We’re delighted to announce that we’re hosting an All Candidates Meeting with all four candidates running in our new King-Vaughan riding:

Tuesday, October 6th, 7:00 pm

Villanova College, 2480 15th Sideroad, King City.

Candidates include (in alphabetical order – click on names for links to candidate websites):

Ann Raney                                           Green Party
Natalie Rizzo                                       NDP
Deb Schulte                                         Liberal Party
Konstantin Toubis                            Conservative Party

CCKT is a non-partisan, non-profit resident-lead volunteer organization with a 40+ year history providing service to local King Township and surrounding residents. Municipal, Provincial and Federal All Candidates Meetings are consistent with our mandate. We are delighted to have Villanova College host this most relevant and timely event to King Township and Vaughan residents.

Councillor Mortelliti

Councillor Cleve Mortelliti, moderator for the evening.

CCKT is also delighted to announce King Township Councillor Cleve Mortelliti as our moderator to lead the evening.

Each candidate will provide a 3-minute oral introduction to the audience. The moderator will then ask 3-4 questions of the candidates, selected by CCKT and distributed in advance to candidates. Candidates will have 2 minutes to answer each question. Candidates may request a 1-minute response/rebuttal following all candidates’ answers. Following, the moderator will open the floor to questions from the audience.

Help spread the word and come out to this important event in King and Vaughan!
